Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Day the Wee Man Got Me!

Here is a classic moment for a wee boy who knows he has his daddy round his little finger and in a sticky situation!

We are at Cornerstone San Isidro Church and Josiah has been practicing his 'One Way' song all the way there in the car. But... when he gets up and Daddy announces that Josiah is going to sing, Josiah decides to pull a sucker punch. "Ayow," he says and repeats.

Ayow means, "I don't want to" in Tagalog.

Then, as quick as a flash he says, "Daddy, I have something to tell you. I will whisper in your ear. I want a little green toy tomorrow and a black one the next day. Then he starts singing .... ONE WAY, JESUS ..."

And he sings away like a choir boy! He got me real good. Check out his cheeky wee grin when I am taking him off the seat!

Yup, this kid is smarter than you think!


Anonymous said...

A Merry christmas fae the broch!! Am so laughing, he has got it well sussed. Fantastic to hear a the great things God is doing...the radio station - Wow. Praying God continues to bless you all and for his provision...Hudson Taylor once said, God's work done God's way will never lack God's supply.
God Bless The Donns x

Anonymous said...

Lol! wat a boy!! He hasn't lot his good sense of humour!! Wat a charmer!

Love to u all,

Auntie Vivixxx

John Thomas Mangadap said...

clever josiah! haha,

Anonymous said...

aaawwww go Joe! he is a special little boy! seth would never have done that! (sing I mean..the rest..yes!!)I bet you were the proud dad!!!
love you guys =)