1 Corinthians 2
When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.
When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.
Some points to ponder:
1. Eloquence/Wisdom v Jesus and the Cross
Eloquence and superior wisdom are high on the agenda of men in the 'How to be truly impressive' stakes. Eloquence tickles the ear while superior knowledge impresses the mind. Yet Paul knew that none of these apparent strengths or giftings could change lives or bring God's Kingdom to people. Amazingly, Paul could have used either of these to impress people, but he wanted, more than anything else, for God to get all the glory and honour.
The only 2 things that Paul preached, discussed and taught was Jesus and the Cross. Paul, a man who knew Jewish and Christian theology just as well as any other man of his generation, chose to lay all other doctrine aside and preach Jesus. What would our churches be like if we concentrated our messages on 'Jesus' and 'The Cross'? As I watch Christian TV, what I find is cheap grace. Basically, "do what you want, it's OK, you will be forgiven." "You need to be completely healthy and have a lotta wealth to be blessed." "Name it ... claim it"
I hear a lot of 'what's in it for me' messages, but not so much about sacrifice. Or repentance. Or cost. Or tears. Or valleys. Seems like the cross is too difficult to preach. Too heavy. Doesn't tickle the ears and makes us a little uncomfortable.
There is only one way to heaven.. Jesus. And the way He made that possible was through the Cross. To the world, the cross is ugly and shameful. But to us, it is a place of victory and a monument of grace and total surrender.
For me, the Holy Spirit has really been challenging me to preach about the cross. Next month at Cornerstone Santiago, the messages are all about Jesus and the Cross. I have found that whenever I have preached about the Cross, something happens in the spiritual dimension. The strongholds of the enemy are challenged. The devil doesn't mind non-threatening-powerless-theological sermonettes; but he has absolutely no defence against the cross.
2. Humility v Pride
The true marks of an Apostle, or any man of God, is humility. Paul, the GREAT man of God, came to these Corinthians with weakness, fear and trembling. We are taught to be strong, be confident. But Paul took the attitude of a servant. He didn't overpower them with his intellect. He didn't 'lord it over them' by dictating his achievements. He became weak that they would find true strength. He came in fear, so they could embrace true love. He came in trembling so they could stand strong. What a challenge for us.
3.Persuasive Words v Demonstration of Spirit's Power
Paul let his God do the talking. He did not come with persuasive words, but a 'demonstration of the Spirit's power.' He went to the public places and called the sick. He laid hands upon them in the name of the Lord and people were healed and set free. After this, he preached Jesus and the Cross. These new believers became the nucleus of a new church.
Light a fire, and all will come and watch it burn. My prayer for my life is that I will see a demonstration of the Spirit's power. Not only in the church, but on the streets. Miracles, signs, wonders, deliverances and healings. One miracle can change a family or even a city!
Let me ask you 2 questions:
1. When is the last time that the Lord used YOU to demonstrate His power? When last were you used to heal? When were you the vessel use by the Lord to do a mighty miracle?
2. When last did you see a demonstration of the Spirit's power with your own eyes?
We say, "That kinda stuffs not for me. That's for the 'super evangelists' and Pastors." Really? And what kinda Bible are you reading? My Bible says, "And these signs SHALL ACCOMPANY ALL WHO BELIEVE ..."(Mk 16:17) Are you a believer? Then, according to God's own Word, the power and authority of heaven belongs to you! Your hands hold the keys to people being set free.
We dwell in safety in churches today. Both here and in the west. Very few are going beyond the boundaries of their four walls and even fewer are seeing miracles on the streets. We prefer persuasive words. Much more comfortable but completely unbiblical and definitely not the heart of God.
4. Men's wisdom v God's power
This is the battle that we face every day and in every church in the world. Man's wisdom is impressive. Did you know that 97% of all that we have known or discovered has been found in the last twenty years? And that what we know now will only a fraction of what we know in ten years time.
When I was a kid, I could not believe it when we got a remote control TV. Blew my mind. I remember watching Dallas and JR used a HUGE cordless phone and my granny said. "that will never happen here!" We can send men to walk on the moon, and PC's that we use now in our homes are more powerful than the NASA computers that got them there in '69!
But man's wisdom is nothing compared to the wisdom of God. Proverbs 3 is still our benchmark. Trust God - don't lean on our own understanding. But yes ... we do. When we face a trial, a hurdle, a problem- whatever you want to call it - we first try and work it out with our noddle. Think tanks are all the rage. Bouncing a few ideas against each other is very popular. But what we really need is to seek the face of the Lord. Rely on His revelation. Depend upon His word. To experience His power and to be lead by His Spirit. Could write much more, but enough said.
A few verses later, Paul writes:
However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.
Know today that God has great things prepared for those who love Him! Great plans. Wonderful dreams. Life changing moments. I always hear sermons about v9 - "we cannot see, we cannot hear and we cannot imagine ..."
But that is not what Paul says in v10! He has revealed it to us, by His Spirit. How wonderful and utterly amazing. We can know the plans of God by being close to the Lord and being full of His Holy Spirit. I know that I am not in the Philippines today by chance or by human decision; I am here because I heard the one that called me.
And for you? Embrace Jesus, live under the cross, walk in humility, burn with His fire, believe for His miracles .. and don't live in the strength of your own wisdom.
Selah ...
1 comment:
Thanks Mark I needed to hear that.
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