Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Easter Weekend Remembered!

Wow, right now the heat is killing us over here. I know that it has been hot back home .. an answer to prayer to many of you! But here, we are praying for clouds and rain ... funny world eh? Keith was telling me today that his thermometer touched 40C (104F) inside!

I know that Easter has come and gone, but I forgot to share about the wonderful Cornerstone weekend we had at Sefton Village on April 7-8. We met on Sunday afternoon and had an afternoon of games and sports. The Helga Mosey aunties won the volleyball tournament ... but I did point out that they were playing 'at home!!'

The church supplied the meals for our members and we enjoyed fellowship. On the Saturday night we had great Celebration in the Fire Centre and Keith preached. Afterwards, we had a fun/talent night followed by a bonfire. Check out our Cornerstone actors!

We woke up at 4:30am and started our Sunrise service at 5:15am. The guys took up all the instruments and we had a great worship time on the volleyball court! The sun rose and we were filled with thankfulness and awe. We went straight to the pool for our Easter Sunday Baptismal service... yup, at 6am!!!

I had the joy of baptising around 20 new believers. Fantastic. One funny moment ... one of the guys getting baptised had just come from the hospital where he had a small operation to his arm. He was desperate to get baptised but wanted to make sure his arm did not go under the water! (see pic below) I told him we believed in total submersion and that we would baptise his left arm at the next baptismal service!! Pastor Marlou dunked him while I held his hand in the air...the things they didn't teach you at Bible School!

After breakfast we had our Easter celebration and it was full of testimonies, songs and drama. I preached about the Power of the Cross, and around 12 people responded to the Lord for salvation. I have discovered that when I preach about the cross ... amazing things happen and people always respond to the message. We prayed for many who were sick. What a wonderful weekend we had. What a celebration!

Jesus .. STILL IS the resurrection and the Life! Let me share an amazing story that proves that there are no hopeless cases with God! In one of my first ever blogs, I asked you all to pray for a lady called Pastora Julie ... remember her? She ministered in the mountains around an hour from where we lived and had planted a church there. She became very sick after the birth of her 3rd child and the pain would not go away.

She went for tests at the beginning of 2006 and they found a huge malignant tumour. She underwent two sessions of Chemotherapy, but her body was too weak. In April, the Doctor sent her home to die. he wrote in her records that she was a 'hopeless case' and that he did not expect her to live very long.

When I found this out, I felt in my spirit that she would be healed! We texted her to come to the House of Refuge in the Fire Centre. They had to carry her in - she could barely speak and was so weak. As me and two other Pastors prayed, God showed us we must rebuke the spirit of death. As we did this, Pastora Julie felt something happen in her body.

For three months we prayed and prayed ... and she got stronger and stronger! She began to walk, her hair began to grow and her appetite returned. When we came back to Scotland last July .. she went back to her family ... healed!

Well, I hadn't seen Pastora Julie for nine months - but at the Easter Convention we saw her again! She said to me, "Do you know who I am" This threw me, as I did not have a clue. But when she smiled, I knew. I could not believe it! Her hair was beautiful and she had put on weight. She was doing great and feeling strong. Isn't that amazing?

He was, still is and always will be ... the resurrection and the Life! Trust Him....


Anonymous said...

What a great blog! and a wonderful way to spend easter..full of LIFE and joy :)GREAT to see Pastora Julie looking so beautiful and healthy too. Praise God !What a Wonderful Saviour !!! Bless you guys :) love to you all at Sefton Jen and Brian x

Anonymous said...

was on the cornerstone singapore web sight look and see who the speaker is in may look for a cheap flight on the tiger lol

Anonymous said...

"Believe whatever you asked in prayers and you shall receive", as one of my favorite scriptures in the bible, is proven again!

Rommel T.