Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Survivor .. Outlive & Outlast

I will give you a wee report about Abe at the end of this blog, but life is still going on fast'n'furious at Sefton! I am so blessed by our different 'teams' at SV - at times like these everyone just pulls together a little bit harder!

Actually, we have almost 40 full time staff at Sefton. We also have another 10 who are in our church leadeship team but who are employed in the secular world. In the Philippines, the leader of the company or business or ministry has to try his/her best to look after each employee ... and their family! So, as you can imagine, there is a lot of 'looking after' for me and Mary to do. We know we are responsible for these lovely co-workers and we always try our best to help out in whatever way we can.

Over the last few weeks, Mary has been very busy with the teachers preparing for the school opening. Yeterday, school re-opened after our Summer break. All the kids arrived with a lot of excited faces and smiles! This year we have extended our number of classes. Before, we had 3 sessions in teh morning and 3 sessions in the afternoon. Now we have added a new session over lunchtime which gives us 9 classes per day ... an extra 80 kids can be educated! As you can imagine, there has been a lot of changes in the admin side, Mary had to find 3 new teachers assistants and train them all up! But, praise God, everything went smooth yesterday and Mary was very happy.

Yeterday was also the start of the school year at Sefton Bible Training Centre. Praise God, we have interviewed 21 new first year students and around 10 students will stay on for 2nd year. We also have many day students who will enroll in various courses. I wish I was there to meet the students, greet and encourage them etc. But me and Pastor Abe are here, so it is time that the young leaders in SBTC will rise up and do what we have taught them to do! They are well able and I love them dearly.

Children's Home is going well and Marilyn is doing a great job. Some children have gone home in the last few weeks, but some have also arrived! I will get Mary to inform you of the changes if and when our lives get back to normal (whatever that is!!)

Thanks to everyone who have texted, emailed or called me. I have tried to pass on all teh messages to Abe and he has been really encouraged. Please send this blog address to as many people as you can so we can share the prayer burden and so people can be well informed as to what to pray for.

Yesterday was a better day for us all. Abe and Gemma was much more positive about things and we had a great time of prayer in the evening. Abe had an endoscopy test and the doctor wanted me to be there. I couldn't believe it as the small camera went through Abe's body and reached his stomach (almost put me off my KFC later!!) The Doctor pointed out that the walls of Abe's stomach should be smooth, but they were filled with cancerous tumours. They took some samples for biopsi. I spoke to the main specialist in the afternoon and he basically said that it looked like a type of cancer that was very fast spreading. If it was this kind of cancer, there really is nothing they can do except chemotherapy, which would only extend his life by a few months.

That is the medical report, now for the spiritual one! Abe is a servant of the Lord and our King is a healer! Abe is very strong in the Lord. There have been a few issues that he needed to deal with and we prayed about this yesterday. After his endoscopy, he turned to me and said, "I will come through this Mark. And after this, we will serve the Lord with greater power," We hugged and prayed for each other. What a precious moment. I prayed for him and we believed for a great miracle together.

In the evening, he told Gemma that he did not want to wear his hospital pyjamas, but a t-shirt that I bought him from Singapore. It was a 'Survivor' t-shirt! He smiled and clenched his hands in faith. These are good signs.

This morning (Wed) he has eaten for the first time for ages. A little only, but only a little is a victory! He has also been to the toilet for the first time in a long time. These are all little signs of encouragement.

The situation is still the same - we need a miracle. But God can choose to give a complete and absolute miracle in a moment, or he can give strength and healing every day until he is healed. We want an immediate miracle, but right now I would gladly accept a gradual one! I don't known the plan of God, but I know God has a plan.

Thanks for your prayers. Thanks for your support. Please pray for Mary at Sefton - she is carrying a heavy load right now due to me being here in Manila. Please spread the news and burden. I will try my best to blog every day, so please point people to this page for up to date information.

Something really touched & challenged me yesterday. Gemma called home and spoke to her kids. The oldest is called Angel Paul who is 8 yrs old (below), and the youngest is Renz Abe and he is only 4 yrs old. At the end of their call, Angel said, "Mama, please tell Daddy I love him." This really broke Gemmas heart as it was the 1st time Angel had ever said those words. It gave her hope and focus.

So today, while you have time, if you really love someone ...really tell them. I know that they know that you love them. But tell them.


Anonymous said...

Pastor Mark, it breaks my heart to hear bout pastor Abe. Always know that we're here for you guys, though not in the physical but definately in prayer. Will keep you guys n especially Pastor Abe n family in my prayers. God Bless!


Anonymous said...

just been reading your blog. very encouraging, we are praying with you for a coplete healing for pastor Abe.Praying the Lord will strengthen you at this time also Mark. love mam & dad.